designed Reolink application to work with Android mobile in addition to iOS but the truth is you can install Reolink on PC or computer. System Status: If your camera is having a connection issue, please click the camera to try to connect it first and send a screenshot to our support team to show it. BrowserCam gives Reolink for PC (computer) download for free.Auto Login: Enable/Disable it to automatically login in the added devices (excluded battery-powered cameras) when you launch Reolink Client.Capture Path: It shows the saving path for the images captured in Live View. Click Browse to change it.Download Path: It's the saving path for the local downloaded videos.Language: It tells the display language on the Client and you can set it as Deutsch/English/Español/français/Italiano/português/Pусский/ Suomalai/Svenska/中文(简体)/日本语.Lockscreen Password: Set up the password for accessing Reolink Client, and there is no password for Reolink Client logging in by default.Alarm Beep: Check/Uncheck it to enable/disable alarm beep on your PC when the cameras (logged in) detect motions.Stretch Mode: The live view image will be stretched to the ratio of 16:9 if you enable this option (Applies to the camera with resolutions of 4:3).Add Device Automatically: Enable/Disable it to add devices (excluded battery-powered cameras) that are on the same LAN automatically (used the default account: admin without the password) when you use Reolink Client.
Automatic Client Update: Enable/Disable it to make client update automatically if we have released the new client version.Run at Startup: Enable/Disable it to allow Reolink Client to run when you start your PC.Step 1. Launch Reolink Client and go to Client Settings> General page. Regardez le flux en direct de plusieurs caméras simultanément et restez informé (e) de votre maison ou de votre bureau, à tout moment et de nimporte où. You may refer to the following steps to configure local general settings for your Reolink cameras or NVRs on Reolink client. Client Vue en Direct de Multi-Cam Soyez là de nimporte où Toutes vos caméras Reolink peuvent être ajoutées dans lapplication Reolink.