Eye of the beholder 3 maps woods
Eye of the beholder 3 maps woods

eye of the beholder 3 maps woods

Duncan is clearly upset to hear she was killed over a year ago and that they haven't found the killer. Then she has to deliver the unfortunate news that Alison is dead. Taken aback, Aria considers this, and finally tells him Vivian's name was Alison. Outside, Duncan questions whether Aria has told him her real name, because he knew Vivian was not Vivian's real name. Hanna takes a step back when she sees them coming, and watches Spencer lean against the wall, upset. Jenna returns and acknowledges Spencer as she takes Toby's arm and walks past. When Spencer tells Toby she has been thinking about him a lot, he tells her it's a little late for that. Toby reminds her she is his sister and has been through a lot. Spencer admits she is surprised to see him with Jenna like that. Spencer seems happy to see him, but he is cold toward her. Spencer sees Toby in the hallway helping Jenna through into the office. They disperse when the bell rings and Emily gets a text from Maya telling her she is alright and not to tell anyone she has heard from her. Aria tells the others she is going to meet Duncan in the courtyard at school, a safe, public location. Hanna is grateful she didn't need to ask Caleb to help with the phone situation, still worried about "A" hurting him. When she leaves, Spencer makes a joke about Mona's sense of entitlement. In the hall at school, Mona hands Hanna an old cell phone which will bill to her account and stay off her mom's radar. Ashley says when Hanna is willing to share more about what is going on in her life, they can talk about a new phone. Hanna is not satisfied with this solution. She assures Hanna that Emily would allow her to use her phone in an emergency, which Emily can't argue with. Ashley won't get her a new one since Hanna purposefully destroyed the old one. In the morning, Hanna argues with her mom about getting a replacement phone. Just then, a car pulls up and Jenna and Toby emerge, Jenna's eye bandaged post-surgery. Emily questions if Duncan is just a random guy Alison flirted with, but Spencer is sure Ali wouldn't have wasted time flirting while trying to track down " A." Aria decides to call him. Aria shows Spencer Duncan's number and tells her he met Vivian in a bookstore a few doors down from the creepy doll hospital Jonah sent them to. He doesn't know Alison/Vivian is dead because he has been in Florida the past year. She told him she was a friend of Vivian's and hasn't seen her since she gave her the coat. It may change your mind about the movie.Sitting outside Lucky Leon's, Aria tells the others about Duncan Albert, the boy who thought she was Vivian at the end of the previous episode. It is worth your time to rent the DVD and see this alternate ending. I can not imagine why they left out this long segment that does not so much result in an alternate ending per se, but rather fills in a lot of the holes that I had in my head. It wrapped up everything for me and made the whole thing crystal clear and satisfying. Sometimes alternate endings do not really change much but this was the most dramatically different alternate ending I have ever seen. I then watched the one deleted scene and the alternate ending and it changed my whole perspective. They did do their usual fine job of acting but I must admit that the plot was convoluted and illogical and the first time through watching it normally, I was disappointed in the lingering confusion. I did however recently pick up the DVD in the $5.99 rack at Target mainly because I really like Ewan McGregor and Ashley Judd.

#Eye of the beholder 3 maps woods movie

I had not seen this movie when originally released because of bad reviews.

Eye of the beholder 3 maps woods