Fully guyed-out, it's really sturdy in Great Basin winds. Obviously this requires the truck or trailer as does the cots. I use a 9.5' x 13.5' rug (it's an oriental rug) to protect the nylon floor. I can put a folding table in there, and a catalytic heater. The 8-person tent comfortably sleeps 3 people with cots. If I was buying something similar today, I would probably go with a Springbar 10x14 for up to three family, but my needs will change and not be the same as they were 12 years ago. Now I didn't pay that much, but dollars are only worth 74% of what they were back then. If you're looking in this size, the synthetics are less costly than canvas, but I would still be skeptical of anything under a thousand dollars. I can't recommend any of their current 8-person tents because I don't think they're sturdy. I bought this Eureka 12 years ago and they don't make it anymore. With the trailer, I might have enough room for a canvas tent, but since I have the Eureka, I haven't bought one. When my boys hunt big game, we take a trailer or there wouldn't be room for the game. I use an old Land Rover and with four people and a big dog, there isn't a lot of room for a bulky canvas tent, so I bought a polyester and nylon Eureka 8-person tent that seems like it's about 1/4th the bulk of a similar-size canvas tent. I passed on the canvas tent because of the bulk.